Daily Cancer Horoscope September 02 (02/09)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

September 02


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 8/10

You might not be able to help but act or react emotionally to a certain situation. Neither should you be expected to put on a brave face in a way that makes others lives easier or more comfortable. If anything, your reaction is a natural and possibly a necessary one. Someone needs to know what youre thinking or feeling now. Releasing what youre suppressing helps you and enlightens them.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

Problems are rarely insurmountable. More often than not, we know precisely what needs to be done but create reasons to avoid doing it. Where it might appear as if youve hit a proverbial brick wall in an area of your world, dont believe it has been constructed from impenetrable bricks. There might be an option to simply go around it than through it if youre willing to look closely enough for a solution. Its not as solid or worthy of being fearful of as it appears.


summary cancer weekly

Star 9/10

It can be difficult to gauge accurately someones mood or attitude because people rarely say what they really mean. Words are often coated in sugar - or armor! They are either noticeably sweeter or contain an unmistakable hint of aggression. This week, believe that youre not kidding yourself or seeing or hearing something that doesnt exist where someones words are concerned. You might need to summon the courage to get them to convey themselves truthfully, but it can be done.


summary cancer monthly

Star 7/10

Last months eclipses put the spotlight squarely on your earnings and finances. This month, you can expect more progress on financial fronts. This could be evident in the first few days of September, too. One way or another, your bank balance looks set to become healthier due to a financial matter finally being resolved or you seizing a fantastic opportunity to boost your income. Coming weeks will also indicate how much clout your words carry, so be aware of how less verbal force will be needed to make a point or get your way with certain discussions!


health cancer daily

Star 10/10

Don\t let progress stand in the way of feelings! This is a week that will probably find you wondering \"what\s it all for?\" - and though you won\t be able to answer this question necessarily, it\s important to give yourself the time to enquire. Slow down the pace a bit and open up to your inner voice. Give yourself time to unwind and rejuvenate by carving out time in your schedule for exercise. Drink a lot of water afterwards and remember to breathe deeply.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

There is apt to be an emotional \"mess\" in the next couple of days - either internal or external - and you must resist the urge to \"clean it up.\" Today\s challenging aspect is like Father and Mother having a big fight in front of the small child, you. You must take care not to be shut down by the emotional tension you feel. Regular exercise and a diet that includes fresh vegetables will help you stay flexible and centered, emotionally.


health cancer weekly

Star 7/10

The cosmos suggests that if your love life is off balance, your health suffers. Now you should feel a lot more peaceful and confident about your associations with others. That, in turn, will have a positive effect on your health. It all interconnects and works in cycles. You\ll see!


health cancer monthly

Star 10/10

A positive liaison involving happy-go-lucky Jupiter suggests that you may have some great ideas about what you should eat or how you should structure your day, and these could have very a positive impact. But it may be the influence of disciplined Saturn that gets things underway and you begin to see results from your daily efforts. As the month gathers pace, you could be drawn to someone who is an authority on a way of eating, beauty regimen, or certain supplements. His or her ideas could represent a new departure that could benefit you and you take on board.


love cancer daily

Star 8/10

The day\s celestial lineup means you can go somewhere really cool, and meet someone fun in the process. Or you might take a philosophical approach and try yoga or meditation classes, or perhaps take in a spot of philosophy. Either way, you won\t be disappointed, and will probably end up meeting someone who will be able to keep you laughing for some time to come.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

If you want to impress the love of your life or get someone to become the love in your life, then you are going to have to buy them a present of some description that will woo them into your domain. It doesn\t have to expensive, but it should be ethnic and very original. In fact, the more bizarre, the better.


love cancer weekly

Star 8/10

If there isnt anyone encouraging you to be brave and bold in your dating encounters, youll have to do it yourself. Giving yourself a little pep talk before each romantic encounter can work wonders for your self-confidence. There are good reasons to have hope at the end of the week, so smile and laugh with an attractive stranger. And dont be surprised if you get that storybook ending after all.


love cancer monthly

Star 10/10

Commanding Mars visits fastidious Virgo on September 5, putting some much-needed oomph in your dating goals. You arent content to sit on the sidelines. Instead, you enter the game fully ready to dominate your competition! September 12 brings a Venus/Saturn trine that works in your favor, especially when you factor in the extra dose of drama it injects into your love life. You arent a look at me type, but you could benefit from being the center of attention. Alluring Venus trines social Uranus on September 17, so group dates and outings with friends work out favorably. Going out with others helps you avoid those awkward one-on-one conversations you dread.


career cancer daily

Star 10/10

Your high energy and good-natured spirit is in high demand. People will be open to your viewpoints and willing to give your expansive perspective a try. Even if your idea is a \"shot in the dark\", there is a very good chance it will succeed.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

The overall exuberance and forward drive you felt over the past four weeks shifts in a new direction today, marking the start of a new four-week phase in our yearly cycle. For you, this means slowing down instead of speeding up. Be more calculating.


career cancer weekly

Star 10/10

Reach out and recognize anyone who is doing a good job. In stressful times, finding things to be positive about has a powerful effect. Midweek is a luckytime to interview for a new or better position. Your good memory and the ability to adapt can earn you well-deserved attention. Accept any opportunity for additional training. Week\s end is a high-energy time. You\re likely to be able to do work in half the time it takes someone else.


career cancer monthly

Star 10/10

A legal matter could be decided in your favor in the first half of September, when the full moon metes out justice. This will let you take a much-needed vacation. A change of scenery will benefit you professionally. It will be much easier to do your job well after some time away. The closing days of September could bring some disappointing news about work. You may be passed over for a promotion or turned down for a job due to a challenged new moon. This could be a blessing in disguise. The position you want has many hidden aspects. Being forced to sacrifice more personal time is the last thing you want.

