
Showing posts from September, 2022

I have the same feeling. That's why tonight i try cyberpunk

I have the same feeling. That's why tonight i try cyberpunk gaming 86 Likes 7 Comments Betty Straub Crystal Huey I've yet to find a game that can fill the hole that Witcher 3 has left. I was an avid gamer, now I spend most of my time reading light novels so I can spoil the plots of upcoming anime series. Ma Lourdes M Felongco You could play skyrim now Jackie Quick So he upd...

Daily Scorpio Horoscope September 04 (04/09)

Scorpio Oct 23 − Now 21 Alias: Alias: The Scorpion September 04 (04/09) daily scorpio horoscope: summary scorpio daily Star 8/10 Youre probably too shrewd a person to accept that a quick fix solution applied to an area of your world will offer stability you need. Where others might be encouraging it, you understandably want to know that whats going to be put in place offers a permanent rather than temporary solution. If youre not happy with the way someone else is proposing to cut a proverbial corner, then nows the time to make your thoughts clear and point out what they should be doing! Read more... summary scorpio tomorrow Star 8/10 Our assessments of certain situations are often incorrect and usually because we believe theyre more complex than they are or the solution were exp...

Daily Cancer Horoscope September 02 (02/09)

Cancer Jun 22 − July 22 Alias: Alias: The Crab September 02 (02/09) daily cancer horoscope: summary cancer daily Star 8/10 You might not be able to help but act or react emotionally to a certain situation. Neither should you be expected to put on a brave face in a way that makes others lives easier or more comfortable. If anything, your reaction is a natural and possibly a necessary one. Someone needs to know what youre thinking or feeling now. Releasing what youre suppressing helps you and enlightens them. Read more... summary cancer tomorrow Star 10/10 Problems are rarely insurmountable. More often than not, we know precisely what needs to be done but create reasons to avoid doing it. Where it might appear as if youve hit a proverbial brick wall in an area of your world, dont b...